Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ally Sheedy and the Mystery Machine

I would like to start out this post by saying that my computer only crashed once this weekend, which is (in the words of the most credible journalist on Earth+, Borat) a great success! It also made it through my nephrology midterm without any problems - hooooooray! That being said, I would like to make a few observations from this morning:

1. A person in my general vicinity had to start their exam late because some combination of Lonovorrhea and AIMS decided that their morning was too usual and needed some color.
2. My computer did nothing to help me take this exam; it should have noticed that I was taking 3 times longer than usual to answer each question and offered some help. Yes, computer, I would have enjoyed you telling me if it was Pre-renal Azotemia or Acute Interstitial Nephritis; instead I just sat there like an idiot calculating BUN:creatinine ratios/marking questions for review/thinking about how much I like Krispy Kreme. If you weren't prepared to give me the answer, you should have at least offered me a few words of encouragement. When I want KITT*, I get the Mystery Machine. I'm supposed to be Steve Guttenburg, and you're supposed to be Johnny 5^. Get it?
3. After the exam, I had to restart you twice before you'd detect the LAN cable I plugged into at my desk. Vista blows.

+Yeah major media outlets, that's a jab at you. You suck. You don't actually report news - you just create hype and fan flames. And if you're Fox News, you actually doctor the news to coincide with your hyper-partisan world view. In my opinion, the only newspaper worth reading is the Wall St. Journal; too bad subscriptions are so expensive.
*If you don't get this reference, you're Fox News. You suck.
^If you don't get this one, it's cool; you just missed out on some super cute Ally Sheedy before her career tanked with the rest of the Brat Pack (minus of course Demi Moore for her Oscar-worthy performance in Striptease; I'll give Rob Lowe a pass too for an early 2000's comeback attributable to the West Wing). I'm not going to make a case for Emilio Estevez's career being any good after the Breakfast Club. Sure he was in the Outsiders and the Mighty Ducks and that trash man movie with this brother Charlie Sheen, but almost everything else he did was crap. And let's be honest, if you went back and watched the Mighty Ducks, you'd probably be really disappointed. I find that most of the movies I loved when I was a pre-teen are suckfests later in life. Little Big League and Cool Runnings are still badass though. Rookie of the Year - not so much.

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