Thursday, December 3, 2009

Almost better... almost.

Last night I got this lovely email from classmate LF:

"Hey Elliott,
 I saw your blog post. A & I had this exact same problem earlier this fall.

Search for Rescue & Recovery in the start menu
When it opens click the little arrow button under Backups that says "change schedule, name a backup, delete backups"
Change your frequency to never and start deleting backups (starting with the most recent one first)
 If it tells you that you don't have enough disk space to delete files. There's a work around that, but I forget how I did it offhand.
I don't trust ITS with my laptop when it takes them weeks to figure out a fix I can google in under an hour.

 Hope this works! I was able to free up like 40 gigs.

Okay, this is great - something that may actually work to make my computer suck less than John From Cincinnati. So I took her advice, found the Rescue and Recovery app, went to look at my scheduled backups, and clicked the option to prevent further backups and delete the ones that already happened. Woo-hoo, I'm on my way; LF, you're like a miniature Buddha!  So, a little progress screen pops up that says "deleting", maximum arrousal ensues, and BLAM-O! MY [CENSORED] COMPUTER FREEZES!!!!!

I do a hard restart (like the ITS gnome wizard girl told me to last time I went there) and open Rescue and Recovery again..."No current backups saved."
Great! It must've worked despite the freeze/restart suckfest! 
Open My Computer, check UNC PRELOAD, and... Space free = 5.14 gb out of 95.7. 

Guess I'll be mingling with magical wizard gnome fairy pokeball girl at ITS sometime tomorrow or next week... 

PS - John From Cincinnati Season 1 (the only season of this winner) was in the Employee Favorites section at VisArt in Carrboro. When I take a hammer to this laptop, remind me to save a couple of blows for the [censored] that thought this show was "dark, satisfying, and endlessly interesting". Honesly, I say the same exact thing about poops...

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