Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trevor is Numero Uno

I would like to take a moment to thank Trevor for being the first official follower of my blog; now that I am officially followed, I'm heavily leaning towards investigating the "Monetize Blog" tab in the settings. The only problem is that the ads that I could allow to run in the sidebar are by Google - I have to imagine that every time I key in the word Lenovo (even when paired with 'is a piece of [CENSORED]'), Google will try to sell you a laptop. A [CENSORED] laptop. A soul-devouring laptop that has the asthetic appeal of Danny DeVito's Penguin and the shelf life of this guy's new liver+:

So before I get into my most recent rant (which had to wait until today, because one of the hundred assignments UNCSOM hit us with before break needed to be completed), let's take a moment to profile a randomly chosen follower of this blog:

Trevor graduated from UVA in 200 - wait a second, his Facebook page lists that he too has a blog ( - a blog about going places that I'm nowhere near cool enough to visit. What's that Trevor, you went to Malawi and dug wells and delivered babies and breast fed the children in the Sally Struthers^ commercials? Are you trying to make me look bad? Did you create this blog because you know the only third world country I've been to is Myrtle Beach?
I wonder if Trevor decided to follow me because he thinks we're some kind of blogspot brothers-in-arms... Maybe he thinks I'm his competition and is just keeping tabs on me...
Hopefully he won't go after me like the Russians went after the President of Ukraine with those sophisticated radioactive KGB poisons that slowly destroy your liver and leave you passed out on a LaCrosse Wisconsin sidewalk at 3 in the afternoon... Check out the before and after:

Honestly, that guy used to look like George Clooney's chubby insurance salesman/gambling addict half brother; now he just looks like Seal*.
So here's something I learned yesterday. Our computers have built-in software that detects keystroke capturing software - the kind of bugs the ominous cyber criminals use to steal your passwords and social security number and identity of the most played Taylor Swift song on your iTunes#. I now know we have this software because it started running a diagnostic randomly in the middle of Clin Epi yesterday. I'm cool with it trying to watch my back, but I'm not cool with it making my computer crash IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME OF CANDY STAND MINI GOLF**!!!!

I was 3-over on the front nine! I was kicking [CENSORED]!


"Your computer just recovered from an unexpected shutdown."


+My buddy from college (Paul Kenyan) sent me this one; unreal. sad. angering. all of the above.
*Apparently when you're the ugliest man on Earth, God takes pity on you and awards you the affection of the prettiest woman on Earth. I guess he does have to live with her horrible late nineties Arnold Schwartzenegger accent. Christmas Day in their house must be like Jingle All the Way on repeat.
^I have no idea how to spell her name, but she's definitely not famous enough for me to look it up. Sorry Sally.
#White Horse

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